Friday, July 15, 2011

"Economic Armageddon." Do You Have a Sense of Humor?

I pride myself in having a sense of humor, but I realize - as much as I'd like to maintain one in all situations - mine fails me when it's most important.

For instance, I can't find anything funny about the U.S. deficit or the "Economic Armageddon" America faces. Whereas, I'm certain, if George Carlin were alive, he'd find something hysterically funny.

I wasn't a PolySci major and didn't even involve myself too much in politics until recently. I vote, like many do, with the idea that no matter who you vote for someone else is pulling the puppet's strings.

How dare we elect officials that get U.S. into a 2.4 trillion dollars debt? How dumb are we? How trusting? How naive?

Is there a fix? Sure! From an "I don't know anything about politics view."

Let Congress take a cut in pay. Stop giving raises to retired Congress persons. As a matter of fact, make Congress contribute to Social Security instead of having their own "safe" retirement and health plan.

Stop giving incentives to the rich!

Stop handing money out to other countries.

Stop helping drug-addicts stay on drugs, because you're giving them Social Security Disability, whilst those who truly need it have to fight tooth and nail for the same benefits.

Tax the frickin billionaires!

Make it mandatory for billionaires to tithe to the government! Right now. "Hey, billionaires, millionaires, Uncle Sam needs ya! You are hereby recruited to donate a minimum of 10% of your annual income this Sunday to help us pay off the National debt that we idiots got us into."

Hell, I can go on and on about how to fix things. If we, as a people, working or retired, have to live on a budget, why shouldn't the government? Am I just being blonde?

When I listen to Obama speak about all this crap, I lose my sense of humor. When I hear someone like Whoopie Goldberg shout out that she paid into Social Security and she wants her damn money back, I wonder if she doesn't get it, will she have to go without.

I was in the store the other day and there were several seniors trying to decide if they could afford to buy something - like food for humans. Not funny! An elderly woman passed out in the parking lot due to lack of food and the heat index. She can't afford to cool her house. She was at the store to pick up meds.

So, yeah, this makes me lose my sense of humor. It makes me wanna cry, it makes me frustrated, it makes me angry. I just can't find the funny side of all this debt. I hate that government spends our money and takes care of everyone but the American poor.

What say you?


tinkerbell said...

My folks are on Social Security. Unfortunately, that's the only income they do have.

They haven't had a raise in two years, but all their living expenses have risen, including Medicare, which takes a big chunk from their already too meager checks. Plus they need to have a supplement because Medicare doesn't cover shit!

Why would government want to burden the elderly more? I agree that the rich should shoulder the burden. Leave my parents alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

avilo said...

i agree. And the rich should probably help out...but everyone is greedy apparently.

Though, if i were that wealthy monetarily...I can see the point of view of theirs that they don't want to randomly give money to the U.S. government because'll just go back into the idiotic congressmen and politicians pockets just like you fuck that.

If they did that they'd want to know their money would be going to use, which knowing the gov, it prob wouldn't or it'd be fucked up.

oh wells, we gotta get out of this situation somehow b4 we're all speaking chinese and eating with chopsticks lol.

luckytaz said...

I agree with your solutions, but I don't know what it's going to take to make it happen. However, we sure need to do something, and it needs to happen soon.