Friday, July 15, 2011

Do You Have a Sense of Humor? Part II The Starcraft Community

Okay, I bitched about losing my sense of humor when it comes to government. But there's another time I lose my sense of humor and it has to do with the Starcraft community.

The other night I watched the It's Gosu stream of the Omega Divisional competition. Actually, I asked avilo to enter and he did. woohoo! I also watched the Beta and Alpha divisions that took place on Monday and Tuesday, and enjoyed them immensely.

Like I said before, the casters are great and the people in chat are so awesome cool. Well they were in the first two competitions and I certainly expected the same in Wednesday night's competition.

I get serious when avilo competes, but that's okay, I can still find the humor. Of course I want him to win, but I know, too, that he does better at LANs than he does online. People in the It's Gosu chat usually like his play style, the casters even praise his play style, whether they like it or not. Lots of the Koreans that play Terran are using the style he developed in beta, incorporating their own flare. Of course, he won't get any of the credit.

So what makes me lose my sense of humor uncontrollably? When people get dumb!

It's Gosu just signed a Korean Protoss player, who goes by the name of, HwangSin, and he was competing in Wednesday night's competition. Avilo, having made it to the semi finals, had to play HwangSin. Names don't intimidate avilo. He plays his game no matter who he's competing against.

When avilo resorts to allins they call him a "noob" a "cheeser." I, for one, like to watch a game that offers strategic plays, but in a competition you do what you have to do to win. Incontrol and other Starcraft players have allined and cheesed their way to the top and people praise 'em. When avilo does it - he's called names.

As far as I'm concerned HwangSin allined to take avilo - 2-0. Were people happy with what I call all-in games? Well it seemed like it to me. The casters jokingly said, "Avilo did win the APM - 284 to HwangSin's 160." Guess APM doesn't matter too much when it comes to SCII. Anyway, did I lose my sense of humor? I felt it fading, but it wasn't over for avilo.

As avilo and I waited to see who he'd play for third place, we talked. Two of It's Gosu team members were playing each other for the finals - One a Zerg, the other Protoss.

I know little about the game's details. I don't have to know, because I'm a spectator. What I do know are avilo's weaknesses and where he makes mistakes so, I act like a coach - one who knows the player but not the game. lol It's nothing new. Before all his games I give him pep talks and tell him to, "Remember this and don't forget that." Then before he begins, I send him off with a glhf kiss and hug and a "gOgOgo Avilo."

The stream chat was alive with 184 viewers, most of them to support teamGosu, of course. I was there, as usual, for avilo and I think a few others there had faith in him.

When wbc - Protoss won over Zerker - Zerg, I gave avilo another pep talk. Avilo took the first game and I only hoped he remembered what we talked about and didn't do anything dumb.

There were already people in chat booing Avilo and saying nasty things, just like any fan of that player's opponent would do. It hurts me because I know how hard avilo works to succeed, it doesn't bother avilo in the least. Sometimes I think the haters motivate him.

I can't remember now what he did to make me type "Avilo, dammit, I told you to watch out for that." ToweLy, one of the It's Gosu site members, who was in chat accused "us" of cheating. I was driven to tears by a 17 year old and even though Voss, the mod, corrected ToweLy, it was too late.

After that I had no sense of humor. I lost it completely. Everything said, thereafter against avilo was an attack, as far as I was concerned. Once again I was dealing with the TeamLiquid and GR mentality. Nothing was funny anymore.

Avilo lost the second game and he and wbc went into the third. Avilo's in the "zone" when he begins a competition so there's no communication with him. As I read chat I kept repeating the mantra avilo told me say, "Hater's gonna hate." I stopped talking chat and instead of reading it, focused on the game. Then suddenly avilo was gone and the haters had a field day.

"He knew he was losing and rage quit." The tears that rolled down the cheeks of my all too sensitive self turned to sobs, because I knew better. I knew all too well what happened, because it's happened so many times before. I know his situation like no one else does and it's frankly no one's business.

The casters didn't believe he rage quit and gave him time to reconnect. In the meantime, ToweLy and I were having words. I was upset knowing what Avilo was going through and then having to contend with hater's in chat. Finally, I just told ToweLy to "stfu...seriously."

I was shaking by the time avilo got back to me, which was only minutes later. As soon as I got word, I got in chat and announced that his 'puter crashed and he'll be back. I was basically called a liar by haters.

ToweLy typed something, which I'm pretty sure was directed at me about "You're a (blank) and you know it." I have no idea what the blank was and at any other time would have probably replied humorously, because what people say about me, doesn't bother me. Now if I could learn to feel that way when people attack those I love, I'd be fine. But yeah, my sense of humor was gone.

When I was sure that avilo was back in game, I logged off of It's Gosu, so, I didn't see the third game, but I think it was really nice of wbc and admin to start a new third game. Like I said before, It's Gosu has a lot of nice people, and if they weren't so Terran heavy I might suggest Avilo talk to them about a spot. (Actually I did, before I learned how Terran heavy they are) They are to Terran what Reign is to Protoss. If you're a Zerg player, It's Gosu is lacking terribly.

I was disappointed that Avilo lost 2-1, but I'm sure he lost more than concentration and focus during the third game. Avilo keeps telling me to toughen up, but when it comes to those I care about, I'm all soft heart. I cried myself to sleep - not because he came in fourth, which I think was damn good. And yesterday, I spent the day disillusioned with the gaming community so much so that I couldn't even function.

So, yeah, when people attack avilo, I lose my sense of humor. I mean it's okay for me to attack him, though. lol. And ToweLy, I'm so not a blank. hehe

What makes you lose your sense of humor? I'd like to know I'm not alone. :)

P.S. Thanks to Voss, Shakemaster and Juan (new to chat stream) for your kind words of support.


mikeylikesit said...

Yeah, I thought so. lol

tinkerbell said...

I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again - I read your stuff about Starcraft and it's community and it sounds like a place worse than hell.

I would never let my kids be involved with such a group.

Hart said...

First off, I don't know who the two viewers are that reacted "funny" but trust me, it's so not funny.

Mikey, thanks for your in-depth comment! *rolls eyes* And for offering up something that pisses you off.

Tink, I guess I'm just too sensitive to be in the SC Community. Plus, I forget that most of em are just kids.

If it wasn't so important to avilo, I wouldn't subject myself. But I want him to know he has my support, so I'm there always.

Hart said...

Okay, I'm laughing out effing loud, because peeps are finding this funny. Of course, they're not commenting to why it's funny.

Is it because I'm a sensitive girl, who really doesn't belong in the SC community?

Is it because I get hurt so easily when people attack Avilo?

Is it because some 17 year old drove me to tears?

Or is it just funny to annoy me? Cuz, it's not annoying me - I love the reactions - all of em. Even if you check off, "R U NUTS" I'd laugh out loud.

Go for it!

Hart said...

Oh wait! Could it be that those who checked off "funny" think it's because I believe HwangSin allined to win?

Ian said...

That's the general community and trust me I hate it. What words were spoken that night really ticked me off as well but I gotta watch chat at all times. There are a few people that I personally don't like in the community (not that I'm going to say who) but they have the typical online ego. They think they are better than everyone else and that's it, no other point.

What I'd suggest is to just pop out the video and close the rest so all you get is the video. I do it with other streams just because I know how annoying and bad mannered this community can be. Thank you for continuing to stick around though. You're one of the best people to chat with and it's great to watch avilo play.

Hart said...

Your comment just made me smile, and thanks for becoming a follower; however, I refuse to follow you until you start playing more SC. LOL! Although I will admit LoL is fun to watch.

Thanks for the advice, too. Hey, is that your way of keeping outta chat? Very clever and I almost fell for it.

Actually, I already planned to go full screen if avilo ever plays another IG tournament online.

Again, Ian, (You know you're a diphthong, right?) thank you. It's refreshing to know that others dislike the BM as much as I.

Ian said...

Ha I never knew that, had to search what that meant.

Yeah whenever I need a break from dumb conversations I'll just full screen and/or pop out the video depending on what I'm watching (of course I gotta watch IG chat or my own channel.

Don't worry bout following me haha, I'm not sure I'm going to really do anything on here other than follow your blog. I already just do my blog on IG.

Also no need to thank me, there's just some really inconsiderate people in this world and gaming seems to bring even worse personalities out. Just have to click the ignore button and everything is all set ^^

I did stream myself playing SC2 last week (on Thursday I believe) too bad you missed out. I did save the vod if you are interested, I faced Orion and Antarianism in a koth style map.

Hart said...

LOL! Didn't know if I should have published your comment or not, but I did. If your comments are ever for my eyes only, just let me know. I do so love comments and reactions to my blogs, though. :)

Of course you have to watch the chat - DUH! That's one of the disadvantages of being a mod. hehe

After reading this, you can imagine how many people I ban on avilo's stream. OMG! *just laughs* Avilo finally told me, "Hey blondie, you can just give 'em time outs. You don't have to ban 'em forever."

Earlier in my blog history, It seems all I blogged was SCII, since then I've started writing a variety of stuffs.

And, yeah, I started watching your SCII vod, but it was late and my eyes started closing. I'm gonna watch 'em today, after MLG - or when they're not streaming a match I care about. Love to see Toss play from Toss perspective.

btw...I meant following you on Twitch, not here, but if you do decide to blog here, I'd def follow you.