Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another DC Area LAN Win for Avilo

Dammit! I gave away the results in the title. :D

CyberGrounds Tournament 6.0 took place today, and I think they had one of the biggest turnouts ever. Of course when I saw Avilo's name in the bracket - TiTs.Avilo? I was like, wtf?

Torenhire, who does the brackets, has had a private joke going with avilo since the last LAN. So now, Torenhire announced on TL that he is the manager of "TitsGaming" and avilo joined the team. I mean why wouldn't he join? Avilo loves playing with Tits...Gaming. Yeah, it's all in fun and that's what Starcraft should be - FUN.

This is probably the first DC LAN that I was unable to watch and I panicked a bit not knowing what was going on, but guess it's just as well. Afterwards, Avilo called me and told me I would have been biting my nails until they bled if I had been able to watch, especially the games between Luckyfool and Sonkie.

Now, why wasn't I able to watch? Because, suddenly the stream died. IPP, who usually casts the CyberGrounds tournaments, was there streaming, then took a really, really long lunch break, then came back, but shortly after that the stream died. I figured he was having problems, because there was more down time than there was casting.

It wasn't until much later I learned he walked out, because he didn't feel like casting for 30 viewers. Someone (and I won't mention names) neglected to list the event with TL, so people didn't know it was happening. :(

Nevertheless, I was a viewer as were 29 other people so, basically IPP was saying, you're not important. Boo Hiss Ipp.

When it went down, I didn't know what was going on, but I kept track of Torenhire's brackets, and especially paid close attention to Tits.Avilo. There were some well known names in the DC area that made it to the last of the BO3. There wasn't a round number in the bracket, so I don't know if that was the semifinals or not.

Sadistx was competing against vile.illusion (same guy as Revillusion)
GosuSonkie v VGAnfield
NrGLuckyFool v IXCMaestro
TiTs Avilo (glares) v Thethys

I knew Luckyfool would beat out Maestro and have to face Avilo. I just laughed when my prediction was right.

So the BO5 was Luckyfool v Avilo and Sonkie v Illusion.

It's Gosu has pretty good team members, and I was almost positive that Avilo would take Luckyfool (hey, I do pretty good with the Liquibets on TL - 9 right votes in a row; 1 wrong) and was sure that Sonkie would take Illusion. So Avilo's final game would be v Sonki. Again, I was right. :D

Avilo is a damn good Terran and has been playing for a long time so, I was confident he would take Sonkie. We talked beforehand and he sounded just as confident. After all, it was a DC area LAN, and Avilo hasn't lost one yet - except maybe the first he attended.

Once he gets in the zone, he's there, and nothing distracts him. He focuses on one thing - WINNING! But like I said, It's Gosu has pretty good players on their team and Sonkie is one of them. The fact that he's a Terran, put me at ease, because Avilo's TvT is impeccable. Next time, It's Gosu will probably send a Protoss. LOL

Around 10:30 p.m. the phone rang. Alls he said was, "3-1, I won." That's my Terran man!

So, avilo, Master of Mech, is still the undefeated champ in the DC area.

He's been competing in more online tournaments, too. Last night - and I almost forgot about Hypercrew, because they've been gone so long - he took 2nd place, losing to Ret - the infamous MLG-Columbus girlfriend thief. lol

Zyori cast that, along with Liz, because Janitor had to go to a wedding. Zyori knows avilo from the DC area LANs and knows what a nice guy he is, but he knows, too, that avilo is a fairly decent Terran. :D

Anyway, I can fall asleep now with my nails in tact. :)


mikeylikesit said...

TitsGaming, huh? Is that an acronym? LOL Like Totally Into That Starcraft?

Congrats...again, Avilo!

Hart said...

Oh, I'm sure it's much more clever than that, mikey. lol

avilo said...

:)muahahhahaa, me play Terran, me win many game :)!!! ♥

Hart said...

Yeah, although many people don't like your TvT, I think it's awesome. Even Zyori praised it the other night.