Sunday, June 12, 2011

Army Wives - The Disbanding of the 23rd Airborne

Wait, did I read right? At the end of the show there was a flash of an announcement assuring viewers that Army Wives would return the Winter of ....2012? We're still in 2011, right? Or did I sleep through a year and a half? Surely, I misread.

As I watched tonight's show I actually don't remember seeing that many episodes to begin with. Now it was the season finale and Fort Marshall was closing down. Naturally, my first thought is that the show wasn't the season finale, but the end - period.

Who knows where they'll go from here. And what is Roxy going to do for business with the 23rd disbanding? I mean Trevor finally accepted the fact that Witt was the best man to construct the truck stop, but will there still be trucks to stop? And omg, she'll be losing money at the Hump Bar, too.

I always liked Trevor so, when he was being unreasonable and down right mean, I was disappointed. Knowing that he's still the nice guy he always was - even if Finn did overhear him mention that Witt was Finn's biological dad - restored my faith in mankind. (...yeah, that was a bit over the top).

General Holden, after having been put through the ringer, was absolved of the drunken driving charges, which Claudia Joy wanted to fight. "We should sue them for defamation." She's a lawyer, so she should know. But the wise commander said, "Any effort to fight this will only make it [the story] bigger."

Wow! Those are the exact same words Avilo said to me when I suggested a law suit against a newly formed league in North America, who stole their name from the North American Soccer League. :D Guess, the General and Avilo are pretty wise men.

Yeah, but like Holden said, "What does a division commander do when he no longer has a division to command?" Claudia Joy simply replied, "Dance." Which isn't too silly, seeing as they were at a Celebration Ball.

Denise, who wanted Tanya to "Start living again," gave her a letter that Jeremy had written before he was killed. And despite the fact that she didn't want to live without him, in the end, she visited his grave, where she took off the make-shift engagement ring, and went to the ball. Yes, a soldier asked her to dance and she did, with a smile.

Pamela and her partner got their jobs back after being suspended from duty because of the Holden incident - and, who woulda thunk it - Chase was offered a job in California.

That leaves us with the Burton's and their adopted - and a bit troubled - son, David. So far he's rejected Joan, probably because the women in his life have all been losers. Dr. Burton, psychologist extraordinaire, finds the perfect analogy to bring David around. (Actually, the writers of the program put words in his mouth, but y'all know that hehe)

"Life is a book and this is just one chapter." Yeah, you wouldn't wanna keep reading the same chapter over and over again. duh. So, the kid has a nightmare and Joan goes to his room to comfort him. After he's calmed, she starts to leave, only David - realizing that this is a new chapter of his book - says, "Mom, can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" And they live happily ever after.

Actually, it was a pretty sorry ending for the season finale.

Roxy, and Trevor, who was accepted into Officer's Training School, are gonna be stuck in a ghost town.

General Holden will be reassigned to another unit - or something.

Pamela is going with Chase to California.

Denise, whom I never realized before is so much taller than her hubby, will go with him to Italy.

And the Burtons - hmmmm? They'll live happily ever after, but I don't know where.

2012? Winter? Isn't that when the world is suppose to end - again?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i turned to channel lifetime by accident and saw this on. It seemed pretty sappy for an ending, with lots of cliche lines in a 1 min timespan... -_-...very emotional though, and yes seeeeee i am very wise i knew it all along, you should listen more often :D