Wednesday, June 22, 2011

America's Got Talent - New York 2011

When you hear The Big Apple, you instinctively think talent - well I do. It's the heart of the theater. Broadway. Singing. Dancing. Acting. New York has talent.

Before AGT showed us some though, we had to sit through clips of dumb acts again. At least they were only clips.

Joel Podesky? Pumpkin pie eater extraordinaire? AHA! The talent is how fast he eats the pie he hates. Yeah, I'd pay to see that in Vegas. Good grief!

Michael, "The Parrot Wizard," whose parrot wouldn't do anything but play dead. They say never act with kids or animals, guess birds apply as well.

The Boston Typewriter Orchestra? Yeah, well, you couldn't hear them over the crowd, but the three no votes came quickly.

To me those are novelty acts, not talent. My advice for Joel - follow around state fairs. Michael - have parrot under glass. Typewriter guys - switch to keyboards.

Triple Threat, a Broadway act consisting of four people, claimed they sing, dance and act. Maybe in high school plays. *shrugs

Then came Snap Boogie. Some people have easy lives, others don't. Some people go bad and blame their rough lives, others rise above the situation and do what they do best. Snap Boogie, a high school student, whose one brother is already in jail, does street performing to help his mom make ends meet.

He came on stage humble, but when that music started the kid owned the stage and deserved to be voted through with three yes votes.

I was also impressed with Micheal Turco, a magician, who made gorgeous girls appear out of nowhere. I'd imagine that most men would like to know his secret.

The show could have spared me Riley, "One of a small handful of women sword swallowers." But she's got the gag reflex down...okay I'm not even gonna say what just went through my mind.

When Steven Retchless appeared on stage wearing platform heels and skimpy silver shorts, I reacted kind of like the judges did. The expression was somewhat like jaw dropped, wide-eyed disbelief. So, what was he going to do? "I'm a Polefessional." Yep, a rare breed - a male pole dancer. Piers was the first to sound the buzzer, but Sharon gave him a standing O. Actually, he was good, but million dollar, Vegas headliner? Ummm...No!

Two acts blew me away though tonight. The first was Elew, a pianist, who was classically trained, but moved into Rock with "Jimi Hendrix meets Beethoven." He came on stage like a warrior ready for battle - fierce and growling. His performance was, as the judges said, "Genius." When he played the strings on the inside of the piano, Howie stood up in amazement. I just sat and watched, amazed.

The other act and final act of the night was a singer, who had never auditioned anywhere before. Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. washes cars for a living, but I dare say that after his performance tonight, he won't be scrubbing too many more tires. Actually, when he came on stage laughing and chewing gum, his hair in dreadlocks and his dress, casual sloppy, I wasn't expecting him to belt out a Frank Sinatra song, "I've Got You Under My Skin." His voice is nothing short of spectacular - pure and rich.

When he left the stage the audience was on their feet and he was tearful. "I never thought people would like me like this." Yeah, he didn't even know he had real talent. It was definitely a surprising moment.

Thanks, AGT, for keeping the bad acts at a minimum and letting the good acts shine, as they should.


Anonymous said...

sounds like this episode was goooood :) and yes, when you wrote bout the sword swallower i was thinking the same thing muahaha

Hart said...

Well, it was certainly better than Atlanta!

Yeah, I thought you might think the same about the sword swallower. lol

luckytaz said...

Great job on your AGT review of the NY acts, and I certainly agree with it.
The sword swallower was disgusting in my opinion. A lot of the acts just belong in a circus side show or, as you stated, the state fair.
Actually, I was kind of amazed by the pole dancer. Certainly something I never would have thought of. However, I have to agree that I'm not sure it's a million dollar Vegas act.
I'm glad there were some good acts.

Hart said...

Hey, luckytaz, thanks for enjoying the AGT post and, of course, for agreeing with me :D

I so do appreciate it when people comment to let me know how I'm doing. It means a lot.

If the least that readers do is click their reaction, which you don't have to have a google account to do, it's great.

Thanks, again.