Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Would You Do?

We would all like to think we'd do the right thing, but when it comes right down to it, would we?

This morning, I poured myself a cuppa coffee and for some reason turned on the TV. There was a program on entitled "What Would You Do?" I remembered seeing this one time on a Friday night and thought it was pretty interesting, but never watched it again.

The psychology of human nature has always amazed me. Similar to dogs alone, who are mostly harmless if you don't bother them, but could very well present a threat if they're in a pack. Unless, of course, you're in a cartoon like Lady and the Tramp or 101 Dalmatians.

So today I watched as a pack of white kids vandalized a car in a mostly Caucasian park. Maybe one, two people stopped. Okay, three rough looking kids, I might walk by without saying anything, but the least I would do is call 911 and report it. One call was made to the police.

However, there was another car in the same park at the same time with two black kids sleeping. Several calls to 911 were reported. "Suspicious behavior." Huh? They were sleeping for crying out loud!

The show replaced the white vandals with a pack of black kids. WOW! Lots more calls were reported, but people were hesitant to say anything to the kids. Was it because they were black? Are blacks more of a threat? Wtf is that saying to the black youth of today? Are we still very much a racist society?

Frankly, I'd like to think that I would throw caution to the wind. Like when the Latinos - actors - were in a coffee shop and tried to order food; they were told by the shop owner - an actor - to go back to their country and stop trying to steal jobs from people here. He refused to serve them.

Some people actually agreed with the shop owner. My jaw dropped in disbelief. There were, however, many more that told the shop owner off and said, "You won't get anymore of my business." That was refreshing. I mean, come on! America is and always has been a melting pot.Granted, people that came over from other countries in an earlier era, were proud to be Americans - not so much anymore, but still.

I have friends from Poland, who wanted a voice in America so they became citizens. I know a little Mexican girl from a restaurant I frequent, who wanted to get aid for a college education, but not badly enough to become a citizen. It doesn't make my Polish friends any better than my Mexican friend. They're actually both human - believe it or not.

I have a difficult time dealing with injustice and in most cases, I'm fearless and in lots of cases just plain dumb, yeah. But I'd like to think that no matter what the situation, I'd get involved. I'd do the right thing. I'd do something.

How about you?

What would you do?
Get personally involved
Get involved if others joined me
Let someone else get involved
Hell, it's none of my business
Call 911 free polls

P.S. Thank you avilo for helping me with the HTML that set up the poll. It sceered the bijeebies outta me. You Rock, Mister! Wait! What? I keeeeeel you. I just saw your poll *glares* Yeah, when y'all are finished voting here go to:


Anonymous said...

Luckytaz thinks it is slowly getting better, but there is still a lot of prejudice out there. I blame a lot of that on the media by always prefacing everything with "black". They don't do that with Asian, Mexican, Indian, etc. It really gets my blood boiling. I would definitely call 911 whether it's a black, white or purple person.
However, I'm not a real fan of that show because I do think a lot of the situation they show really aren't any of our business. In my opinion, that's a lot of the problem nowadays ... we're sticking our nose where it doesn't belong !!

Hart said...

Agreed, 100%.

Like I said, I've never really watched the show before, but I do think that some things should be our business.

While I agree that people stick their nose in other people's business way too often where it's actually none of their business, I think there are times when we should get involved.

There are way too many do-gooders out there, though, who think the way they live is the only way to live and if others don't live the way they see fit, then it's wrong

btw...I did see your comment on the Poll page, but not until yesterday.:)

Thanks again for taking an interest in my blog. It's greatly appreciated.