Friday, April 1, 2011

The End of the North American Starcraft League

How dumb can ya get? Well, pretty damn dumb in my case, because I believe justice should be served using legal methods. Okay, I grew up in a home where the patriarch, a prominent business owner, tried to instill in me that the only time you turn to the law is when they're in your back pocket. Wow! Are you talkin' 'bout making offers they can't refuse? No! That's just wrong and I won't abide by that mentality - ever; although sometimes, I admit, the temptation was great. I mean you dial a number - problem solved.

As a person who prides herself on not taking life too seriously, avilo kept telling me, "You're taking this defamation of character thing too seriously. You're dealing with idiots."  OMG! He was right! I had already contacted my Chicago lawyers and they turned to their California contacts. Yep, I would not hesitate to bring suit against everyone involved.. On the other hand, it was enough for avilo to know he was innocent and that I and those who know him believed in his innocence. 

Okay, so I called off the lawyers and said, "It's apparent that the people who are running the NASL have little business acumen. Maybe they're idiots, but surely the people at Uservoice aren't." Even though he gave me the go-ahead to contact them, he told me I was wasting my time. "Are you kidding? They're business people. Of course not. They're not going to get involved in harboring a criminal, or be responsible for false accusations." Avilo just laughed.

With everything that the NASL did to ruin Avilo's reputation (which, I believe was intentional) we both still wished them luck in their endeavors. The league (mostly hand-picked despite Xeris' explanation on how the 50 made the team. I mean InControl? *rolls eyes) in North America is the biggest and best thing to happen to e-sports ever. And while the organization of the NASL lacked miserably and was peppered with lies, hype, contradictions, etc. at least they were giving it the ol' college try.

I hate to admit I'm wrong, especially when it comes to avilo being right. (Don't tell him that, his ego is big enough already lol). But he was right. Uservoice could have cared less. In essence I was told by the real CEO, Richard White, that they have to protect their clients. Hmmmm? So is Athene a client of  Uservoice? He is the one, after all that hacked votes, not avilo - or anyone avilo knows. And if Athene is a client and their client is the NASL, does that mean that Athene is part of the NASL? Now I was really determined to get to the bottom of this.

Once again, I contacted Uservoice informing them that I would advise avilo to contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center, a branch of the government that handles cyber crime. His response, "Thanks for the update." lol
Avilo and I had a good laugh over that one. "And this is a CEO of a business?" That's when I realized that avilo was right. And whilst I still believe that justice is on the side of the innocent, it's the end of the NASL as far as I'm concerned. When you're dealing with people that could care less how they achieve success, there's bound to be failure in the future.

By the way, today in San Fran, not unreasonably far from the NASL and Uservoice headquarters, there's a St. Stupid Day's Parade. If you're in the area, you're bound to see some some familiar faces :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that you called off the lawyers - that's like letting big business get away with crime. But I understand that without the injured party's consent, there was little you could do.

Actually, it was pretty nice of you to even get involved. This people who run NASL and Uservoice both sound like they are lacking in knowledge.

Eventually, they'll get got with their pants down and their businesses will go under. It's only a matter of time.