Monday, April 4, 2011

Wendy, Dancing with the Stars Is Gonna Miss You

Wonder how poor Wendy feels being compared to a drag queen? Hey! There's some drag queens out there more beautiful than real women. The thing is they can move like a real woman too. *sighs* I'd venture to say, unless lots of Wendy fans get on their phones tonight, Miss I Can Impersonate a Drag Queen Better Than Any Man, is going home tomorrow night. :(

Someone asked me who I thought would make it to the end and I have to tell you, for two consecutive weeks, Hines Ward, looked good. He's got the moves and if he's got the fans, he's in contention.  And any man who credits his mom for everything good in his life, is a man with a tender heart. I credit her for his nice butt cheeks. :D

Now, what happened to Max and Kirstie was just unfortunate. I'm guessing she was leaning on him a bit too much and that's what caused his hip to collapse. PLOP! Down they went. But what troopers! In the spirit of true performers, the dance went on and I must say they ended up doing an excellent samba. I'd like to see it without the mishap, but I'm afraid Max will be a little gun shy of dragging Kirstie's 200+ lbs anywhere from now on. Hey, Max? Whatcha gonna do in the freestyle when everyone else is throwing their partners around?

Petra, I got legs, got dance as well. She performed like "an angel" according to Bruno.

Okay, I have to throw Army Wives in here, because certainly one of them will be on next season's Dancing with the Stars. lol

So many people keep saying, "Why did Jeremy have to die?" Listen up, this is how it works. One of two things happened. He demanded more money and they didn't think he was worth it. Or he got a better deal somewhere else. The end.

Death brings so many emotions, conflicts, confusion, but omg Denise all you ever do is run away from situations. *just shakes my head. Get your butt home with your husband, who took you back after you cheated on him. And OMG! I hope she didn't leave her baby behind when she flew the coop.

The most heart wrenching sound in the world to me is a grown man that bursts into soulful sobs. Joan and the audience hear the cries simultaneously. When she enters the bedroom, sitting on the floor is her hubby, Roland. The camera flashes to their baby girl, who is wearing mom's beret. It was excruciatingly painful for me to watch and yes I cried. But then every actor hopes to evoke those emotions in their audience. Hats off to Sterling K. Brown, who did a stand up job...I mean a sit down job. Hell, you know what I mean.
Actually, I did plan on talking about this weekend's events at the MLG (Major League Gaming) Starcraft Tournament in Dallas, but guess I'll have to throw in my two cents on that tomorrow.

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