Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cell Phone vs Cavegirl

Avilo jokingly calls me a cavegirl because I'm technologically challenged, but everyone I know gasps when I tell them I don't have a cell phone. They cause brain tumors, right?

Anyway, I've already locked myself out of the house and had to walk to a neighbor's, (Not around the corner) hoping they were home, in order to call a locksmith. I've broken down on the side of the road and had to wave down another car to call AAA. And if you read my post "STFU With Your Fractions" you know I could have saved myself lots of trouble had I had a cell phone. :(

Finally, the other day,I broke down and bought one of those throw away phones. It took me a day to find out what my number is. I'm a perfectionist, so I don't do anything or try anything before reading all instructions carefully. lol After which I usually forget and have to refer back to manual.

When I figured I knew what it was all about I gave avilo the number and said "call me." He tried and was told, "Number is not connected." Well, of course it was, it said "activated." So I called him only to get his voice mail. I left a message, which he said he never got. :(

Now, I was concerned that our two carriers did not want to connect to one another. I mean what do I know? So I called a "tech specialist" at Tracfone. Already I'm thinking about my "Customer Service - The All Time Great Oxymoron" post.

I explain to this sweet and patient lady from another country the problem I'm experiencing. She tells me to remove the battery. No Problem. "Now remove the Sim card." Problem. "Ummm...what's a Sim card and where is it?" Okay, I found it! Success.

After I put the phone back together she has me do a bunch of other things. Simple enough except I have to keep asking, "How do I get there?" or "What button do I press for that?" or "Sorry, I can't understand you."

She remained patient and understanding and whilst she didn't LOFL, I'm sure she was rolling her eyes on the other end.

When she finishes with all the instructions and I successfully complete the tasks, she tells me everything is working fine and I should be able to make calls and receive them. "I am going to call you now, but don't answer the phone."

The phone doesn't ring so she comes back to me and says, "Miss, do you have the phone on?" Okay, dumb blond moment I guess. "You mean the phone has to be on?" LOL

So 25 minutes later, all the tech specialist would have had to do was say, "In order to receive calls, your phone must be on." That's going to definitely be her story of the day, about "Customers...Just Plain Dumb."

Hell, I thought I was preserving battery life.

P.S. Just so y'all don't think I'm the only one in this relationship who is dumb; when avilo tried calling me again he said, "It still doesn't work." hahahaha...he transposed the first three digits. DUH!

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