Monday, February 28, 2011

You're Outta Here!

Ever know a new cop that went on a power trip? Too often that happens to authoritative figures. They become power hungry. They are suddenly gods in their own mind. To others they are idiots, who do not know how to handle power.

This happens all too often with nothing people, who become moderators on forums. All of a sudden they have POWA! I've belonged to lots of forums, but never noticed this behaviour more than after I registered at TeamLiquid.

When I first joined, I'd read posts where a moderator had "warned," temporarily banned" or "banned for life" someone. I'd sit back and think, "huh?" I'd reread the post trying to figure out wtf the person said that warranted action by the mod. As far as I could tell most of the posts were innocuous, yet the poster was banned.

Then I realized, after avilo had been temporarily banned several times (which by the way meant that he couldn't register for competitions) that the mods banning him did so just because they didn't like him. POWA! "I don't like you dude so no matter what you say you're outta here."

I also noticed, after writing several posts myself, that if you're a "noob" you're not too well received by the community. Lotsa hate goes on at TL lots of BM (bad manners). I made one post, which offered some very good advice and was told "You suck as a poster. GTFO." (One acronym used that I won't spell out) What precipitated that outburst was that I prefaced my post by apologizing for not reading the 30 pages of posts that preceded mine. I ignored the comment, but as far as I was concerned - if I had been a mod - that "troll" would have been at the very least warned. He never was, so I can only guess that he was a forum favorite.

(As an aside: I'm a mod as well. *smiles from ear to ear feeling the POWA!* I moderate avilo's stream.@ Thus far I've only banned one idiot. *evil grin* I mean, good grief, don't come into someone's stream and hit them with insults just because you don't like them).

Avilo isn't a forum favorite, even though he offers good advice regarding strategies, builds, etc. It doesn't bother him that so many of the forum members dislike him. He laughs at it mostly. "Haters gonna hate." I, on the other hand, become livid. So, for the most part I keep away from TL forums.

For some reason, unknown to me at the moment, I joined GameReplay @  and whilst avilo has been banned from there several times (yeah, he's a bit outspoken) I felt a sense of community. Sure there's trolls, there's haters, there's idiots who post, but it seemed to me a much friendlier atmosphere. So, for now, I'll call it forum home, although reading posts deters me from doing things I should be doing. Shush!

So, have I learned anything from all this? A). People gonna hate you for no reason and as long as you don't have to depend on them to put food on the table or clothes on your back or a roof over your head - don't let it bother you. 2).Mods who hate, gonna ban you simply because for once in their miserable little lives they have some control. Finally). Don't admit you haven't read preceding posts. lol

I've never cared too much about what others think of me. I'm the kind of person you either love or hate - much like avilo I guess. There is no gray area - only black or white. If ya hate me, ask me if I care! On the other hand, I've learned that if you hate someone I care about - watch out! *puts on my wicked witch hat and stirs up a brew in my cauldron*

I have many mottoes and one of my all-time favorites is "Don't take life too seriously; you'll never get out of it alive anyway."And if you mess with someone I care about - OMG! you just shortened your life by five years. lol

Peace :)

P.S. I was thrilled to death to see that I have two followers so far. Thanks guys! Hope you keep coming back.


Anonymous said...

Think those are the same obnoxious anonymously empowered dudes who sometimes chair committees in the local Property Owner's Association?

Hart said...

Having known some of those "dudes" I think you might be right. lol POWA!