Saturday, February 26, 2011

Farewell Fair Weather Friends

WARNING: This in no way relates to StarCraftII :) 

Sometimes you just have to say good-bye. 

I've never been a great believer in "friendship." As a matter of fact my motto has always been "Friends are enemies turned inside out." An "ex-friend" once told me that I expect too much from friends, "You hold them to your high standard of friendship." Well, duh! Of course. Friends are dispensable. They're after all just people and people can easily be replaced if they can't meet your needs.

I do believe that people come and go from our lives as needed. Sometimes they're forever - in my case, however, that was never true. I've never had a lasting friendship, but people have been there for me at the time they were needed and vice versa. There's one problem with this - with each new person I meet, I think..."maybe this is my 'lifetime' friend." HA! Obviously, when the acquaintance turns out to be that inside out friend, it's painful, but not unexpected. 

The great law of the universe is that we subconsciously attract that which we need. Guess I don't need a bff. 

Recently, I went through my email contacts. There were some people I haven't received an email from in ages - nor have they acknowledged the emails I sent to them. I wrote a form letter to approximately seven informing them that my intention was to delete them. "If I am mistaken and you've just been too busy, kindly let me know by returning this email." 

One person no longer had that email address. Guess he had already deleted me. lol  Only one of the remaining six responded. She was by far my favorite anyway. So hasta la bye-bye to the rest. 

As for cyber friends - I've had several for years now. It's strange the connection one can make with someone via the internet. You actually form a bond that at times feels more real to me than real life connections. For some reason it runs deeper. I'm not saying that these people will be forever friends, but I guess when you're not too involved in each others everyday lives it's less complicated. *shrugs* 

Anyway, my fair weather fickle friends I wish you all the best - NOT! No seriously, you should enjoy the pleasures of life; peace, love, laughter. (... hope your readers didn't detect the sarcasm in that statement?) lol 

Yep, life is a fantasy and each one of us create our own scenarios. 

1 comment:

avilo said...

great stuff missy :) same happens to me, except I usually just add a bajillion contacts and then forget who they are hehe :P