Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Elmo for President

Even Elmo on drugs would be better than the clown, who was once dictator - ahem - I mean governor of Arkansas! When I read what he said about Obama, which was totally inaccurate, I thought to myself - dude get your facts straight. I'm not a Nobama fan, but Fuckaby is a bigger joke! And as long as the U.S. insists it's free, I can say that without getting thrown in prison. *excuse me a sec National Guard banging down my door*

Okay, enough of the ridiculous. But as long as I'm on the subject of Elmo - avilo does the greatest impression of him on his stream. He's absolutely hilarious, but if ya see him do it in person...OMG! My side aches just thinking about it.

On a more serious note, I had little faith in the youth of America until I received an email  today from my cousin. She subscribes to the Michael Moore (just keep reading Moore haters) newsletter and it was pretty damn interesting.

It's reported that thousands of students from Wisconsin high schools walked out of class and occupied the grounds of the State Capitol building in Madison. HA! Even high school students, who don't have a right to vote and are dictated and lied to by parents and teachers (some - not all) are bright enough to wake up and say "something is terribly wrong here."

"...And for some beautiful, unknown reason, you've (students) refused to listen. Maybe it's because you've figured out that we adults are about to hand you a very empty and increasingly miserable world, with its melting polar ice caps, its low-paying jobs, its incessant war machine, and its plan to put you in permanent debt at age 18 with the racket known as college loans." Michael Moore

Anyway, Moore was so inspired by this "walk out/sit in" that he has started a "High School Newspaper" @

Submit your ideas, stories, etc."no matter how radical" and Moore's 17 year old niece, who's currently its editor will select those to be posted on his site. He states further that you do not have to use your real name or mention the high school you attend. (Yeah, or else you be in deep doo doo with the dictators) lol. 

As he said "The future is now!" You kids are the future - so create the future you want. Seek the truth - no make em tell ya the truth! FREEEEEEEEEEEEDOMMMMM!

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