Friday, September 9, 2011

Bye Y'all

I thought about deleting this blog, but I'm not ready to do that yet so, for now, I'll just say good-bye and leave it here for others to stumble upon. It's been fun and I thank each and every one of you for reading and for your comments.

Sometimes we just have to say good-bye and part ways. It's usually when reality slaps us in the face with a truth we never wanted to face. It hurts, but that's life - without the fantasies.

As an aside: You can lie to others and maybe never be found out - but the one person you can't lie to is yourself. Well knowing you, as I have, maybe you can. Oh, and now I know why you didn't want me to publish what I had originally written about the dcsc2 LAN. Like I've said many times before, you're so transparent.


avilo said...

You should write about the finals, your reviews are always very good, i expected to see an amazing finals review =/

avilo said...

Hi, i know you don't wanna hear this but your blog is awesome and lots o people read it and you should start writing again.

You write really good and pour ur heart into writing these and it shows. Dun end em just because i was a jackass and unable to express my love for you or whatever other reasoning.

Start em up again missy, ♥

avilo said...

wherever you are, i need you