Friday, July 29, 2011

"Security" In Social Security

The definition of security, as a noun, is:

1. freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety.
2. freedom from care, anxiety, or doubt

So why are seniors concerned that the government will not cover over $23. billion in Social Security checks on August 3? Y'all have been forced throughout your working lives to pay into this so-called "secure" retirement savings and now you're entitled to be reimbursed.

How dare the government take my money with the promise that, when I reach retirement, I will get it back in monthly installments and then renege on their promise? Oh wait, it's the government that's how.

The joke goes something like "How do you know when a politician is lying? He opens his mouth and speaks." Why is Obama using scare tactics to threaten seniors?

I'm outraged that the U.S. is $14.3 trillion in debt. I'm furious to think that you rich a**holes in government want to mess with social security. I'm livid that you want to play around with medicare, which already takes a big chunk from social security checks and offers so little in return that retired folks have to have a supplement to cover costs.

But angrier still after reading an article on MSN Money that ends with suggestions from "Roger D" in the BooMan Tribune. All I can say is, unless this was said in jest, Roger D is a complete idiot!!!!!!!!

1. Cancel services -- cable, cellphones, Internet, newspaper, books -- that were necessities yesterday but now are a luxury.

My response: Yes, all you elderly folks, a lot of whom are already isolated, discontinue everything that will keep you in contact with the outside world.

2. No new clothes.

My response: You never go anywhere anyway, right? WTF? Why in the world would you need anything but your birthday suit to run around the house? Ludicrous!

3. Eat at home, buy generic products at the cheapest grocery stores, and cook them yourself. Drink only water -- and from the tap.

My response: I know canned dog food is getting expensive, too. But hell, you don't have to buy the gourmet brands. What the hell are you thinking?

4. Cut the utility bills by turning off the AC and as many lights as possible, taking fewer baths and showers and unplugging unused devices.

My response: Please take heed to this great piece of advice, especially those of you, who live in the areas that have been experiencing three digit temperatures. You see, the elderly suffer the quickest from heat stroke; therefore, you won't have to worry about any of the above suggestions or those that follow, cuz y'all be dead. Plus you'll be doing the deficit a favor and you'll have the privilege of knowing that you died for your country.

5. Drive as little as possible.

My response: You don't have clothes anyway, (see suggestion #2) you can't eat out, (see suggestion #3) and unless you move to Venezuela, where a gallon of gas will only cost you $0.19/gallon, you really can't afford to drive. In addition, you're too old to drive and, therefore, a menace to society.

6. Sell some belongings. A yard sale might get you by for a couple of weeks.

My response: You know those precious trinkets and things that have sentimental value? Why are you intent on hanging onto them? After all, you won't be around much longer. (see suggestion #4) Do you really need your wedding ring from a gazillion years ago? Good grief, your spouse has been long gone!

7. Ask family and friends for help. These will be tough times, so don't be proud.

My response: The people that Roger D is referring to are those who are currently paying into Social Security for their retirement. That money, however, is currently supporting you, because the government already spent the money you donated. (I don't know this to be fact, but pretty funny thought) Yeah, family and friends want to support you twice. Bet you'll be surprised to know that "Nobody knows you when you're down and out."

In my opinion, seniors, who waited for the "golden years" are being screwed in every way possible. And you know why? Because government is certain that seniors are too old and decrepit to stand up and fight. Government thinks that seniors can't amass at the White House and revolt.

I've got news for you - seniors are fighters!


tinkerbell said...

I don't know how you turned something so serious as that jerk's suggestion into funny, but I had to laugh.

Wish you would have linked it. Can you still?

avilo said...

Interesting read, the government is essentially full of idiots and get on yim

luckytaz said...

I have totally lost faith in the government. Until they give up some of their benefits, they have no right taking them away from other Americans.