Saturday, May 28, 2011

Avilo and the IG LAN Tournament in Fairfax, VA.

Memorial Day weekend and I spent the day watching Avilo fight for the win in Fairfax, VA. Yeah, I could have gone to a bbq, but there's nothing more exciting than watching Avilo pwn, whilst listening to two awesome casters from Its Gosu, Ayesee and Redmajejr.

Like all good casters, they accurately call the games and offer what they might do or what the player should probably do in certain situations. It's more than that, though, they provide comedic relief. Even when things go wrong lol. The technical difficulties at today's LAN were too funny, and when you're streaming live it can get crazy. Redmaje sounded at times like Robocop under water and at other times like he was in a tunnel. The music went from really good to sounding like it was being streamed from an alien planet. A couple times they lost the stream altogether. But they didn't panic like some noob might. They made it laughable, holding the attention of the viewers. Ayesee and Redmaje are just an ideal complement to one another.

Anyway, back to Avilo, who hasn't lost in any of the DC area LANS, since he started winning. I think this makes it six now - maybe seven. *shrugs* Usually, though, it's a TvT match. (Yeah, for some reason there's a plethora of really awesome Terrans in that area.) The final game this time was TvZ against NrGeve (not a girl).

I don't even know how many straight games Avilo won to get to the finals, but the final game was bo5 and if he had lost any, it would have gone to bo10. I can't even figure that out, it's just dumb. All I know is they started at Cyberground around 11 a.m. and it didn't end until almost 10 p.m. although he did get a couple hours break whilst waiting to see which player would unseat him - or I should say try. lolHis opponent maybe got a potty break. But sometimes I wonder if a long break can't put you at a disadvantage. I mean, when you're on a winning streak, ya wanna keep up the momentum.

Whatever, I'm sure Luckyfool, who is now a member of the NrG team, was certain his mate Eve, would take Avilo. Speaking of Luckyfool, he went pretty far as well, but the last game he played I was like "HUH? Wtf you doing, dude?" I wonder if it's any less devastating to lose to a team mate?

Then my conspiracy tilted mind started running amok and I'm thinking Hmmm. Did Luckyfool lose intentionally so that his team mate - Zerg - would beat Avilo? And then I'm like Wtf, are you nuts? Lucky is not only a nice, straight-up guy, but Eve would still have to beat Revillusion in order to get to Avilo. So I put the conspiracy to rest. LOL

But Eve beat Revillusion - a 15 year old, who is really good. So yeah the mind started churning again. Revillusion was paid to lose. Then, when Eve lost the first game to Avilo, my mind burned with suspicion. AHA! He lost intentionally to give Avilo false confidence and, maybe, so he could pick the next map. I still thought that when he lost the second. hehe. Somewhere during the third game I turned off all the conspiracy theories. Hey, I'm a writer with a vivid imagination. Of course, I'm gonna think conspiracy, it makes everything more interesting. lol

So, Avilo, my Terran man, is still undefeated in the DC area LANs and I'm thinking now that the only reason Revillusion won the last LAN was because Avilo couldn't make it. lol. Like I told Avilo, "There's gonna be lotsa LANs, but only one college graduation." And he worked so hard for a degree he didn't even want. Wait! I think I pulled a couple all-nighters (or close to it) helping him study. *pats self on back*

*sighs* One problem. When you're the best gun in the west (even if it is the east coast - I take creative license :D) there's always gonna be others gunnin for ya.

Woohoo! Avilo keeled the bugs 3-0. Congrats! (pssst. Secret weapon - I've been supplying him with Raid and several Roach Motels. Plus some bleach for the mold. I don't think it's called mold - oh wait, fungus. Still have to find a non-toxic household product that kills infestors.

Today was a fun day and next up is the MLG-Columbus. gOgOgO Avilo.


Anonymous said...

Torenhire says:

He went like 18-0 or something. I keep the brackets up to date with accurate results, so all 2-0 are 2-0, and 2-1 etc. etc.

The double BO5 in the Grand Finals is actually in his favor, to be honest. I fail to see how it's dumb, either. The whole purpose of the two BO5 is so that Avilo would have had to be eliminted TWICE in a DOUBLE elimination tournament.

Say eve managed to 3-0 Avilo in the first BO5, if we didn't have that second game in there, basically everyone in the whole tournament had a second chance (including eve) except for Avilo. Avilo had to lose the entire BO5, not just one game, for this to happen. Avilo isn't stupid, nor is anyone else that comes to our tournament (except me maybe) and having to play eve in a second BO5 would have given him some insight on how to play against his style. So really Avilo was alot more comfortable going into those finals that eve was, I think.

Winning 3 games vs winning 6.

I copied this over from a TL thread and I think now that three people have tried to explain this "double elimination" to me, it's finally sinking in.

Losers still get a chance to win. Nevertheless, still seems to me that Winners are being punished for winning. *sighs* I'll have to keep thinking about this. But thanks, Torenhire, for the explanation.

Anonymous said...

wooooooooo :D lol i explained the double elim to you already, and i love ur creative license lmao muahahaahhah ♥ :)

Hart said...

Yeah, I know you explained it to me. I also know you said "Anything you don't understand, you think is dumb"

Thanks for the comment, though. Thought, seeing as it was about YOU, you'd enjoy it. LOL

♥ back atcha

Anonymous said...

pats you on back too for the all nighters :)

Anonymous said...

Original Message From LuckyFool: This was in a pm and I got his okay before posting it here.

no comment on the conspiracy theory idea LOL!

We really wanted to give eve a chance at avilo... sadly he was kind of tired out he had to play so many games in a row he basically had to play for 4 hours straight with no breaks. he played pretty well though vs me and illusion.

Hart said...

NrGEve played pretty well against Avilo, too. And yeah, those tournaments are like marathons in some instances.

I have no idea how y'all do it.