Wednesday, April 27, 2011

To Tip or Not To Tip - That is the Question

This was inspired by my cousin, who in no uncertain terms is against tipping. Also, because I recently read a thread on a forum that addressed this topic.

Firstly, after doing some research, I am absolutely sure that no one on the face of this earth knows exactly where this practice first originated. But I do know that it's not only customary, but obligatory. Face it, if you "stiff" a server, would you go back to that restaurant?

In the U.S. we tip everyone from servers to mechanics, most of whom make more money an hour than the person leaving the tip. Hell, there are guides that tell us exactly what percentage of a tip is the norm.

Tipping, started somewhere in Europe. Historians claim it began in 18th century English coffee houses. Of course ask any Brit and they'll tell you that they don't believe in tipping for any service rendered.

I've heard that TIP is an acronym. A container with a label that read "To Insure Promptitude" was placed in English coffee houses and those that donated coins were seated quicker than those who did not.

It's also said that it began in the 1500s when a server asked a customer for a "trinkgeld" which in German is "drink money."

Still another theory is that 400-500 years ago well-to-do folks threw coins at thieves to prevent being accosted.

After much research, the practice of tipping is still as clear as mud. What I did learn, however, is that Americans tip more than any other country. And that, too, differs according to location. Up north 15% to 20% is what someone performing a service "expects." In some southern states, one dollar per person served is the norm. The latter seems more logical to me. I mean if two people spend a hundred bucks on dinner, did the server do anymore for them than the two patrons that spent 10 bucks?

But why did we, as customers, become responsible to pay the wait staff's salary? How can government allow restaurant owners to pay sub-standard wages and then make patrons feel responsible for making up the difference? Let me tell you this, some people treat servers like sub-humans, but those servers can make anywhere from 40 to 100 plus dollars an hour. And the real kicker is that they only report 40% of their tips to the government.

I always thought if I tipped well (and trust me I tip everyone that does anything for me) that I'd be remembered as generous and would receive not only prompt, but better service. To my disappointment it's not true. What I believe now is that they just see the word SUCKER written across my forehead.

I'd also like your opinions on "Christmas" gratuities given to those who have come to expect them, such as: Trash collectors, Mail carriers, Hair Dressers/Barbers, Waiters/Waitresses (if you frequent the establishment), Housekeepers, Lawn Maintenance workers, Taxi drivers, Doormen, etc.

Let 'er rip!

What's Your Take on Tipping?
All workers performing a service should be tipped
Waiters/Waitresses should definitely be tipped
I don't feel I should have to tip anyone
Tipping should not be obligatory
I should be tipped for using their service
I have no idea
I'm moving to England free polls


Anonymous said...

I stopped having lunch with a friend, because she never left a tip and I felt compelled to leave one for the both us.

As far as I'm concerned the owner of the place should have to pay at least minimum wage.

No one tips me just because I came to work.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I have an account and tried to leave a comment but it wouldn't register so i ain't leaving you a tip.

I think i agree that tipping sucks big time. When I have pizza delivered I'm paying a delivery charge. All the pizza guy does is bring it to my door. Why should I tip him? Yet everytime he stands there waiting.

If I send someone flowers they're expected to tip the delivery guy. Why should they have to pay to get a gift?

I don't tip and won't. Eff em.

avilo said...

hmmm, i feel guilty if i don't tip the pizza guy, but then again i have more money in my wallet :D lol

and this economy...can't be rich tippers, they should be tippin me cause my pizza's gotten colder prob since it left store! hehe

Hart said...

avilo, my dear, if you have more money in your wallet then update your computer so that your stream is watchable.

Anonymous said...

Lucky Taz believes that tipping has gotten totally out of hand in America. It seems everyone has their hand out, and yet we only tip certain people. Who ever decided who these people should be?

It is very interesting that tipping probably started in England, and yet, according to Sharon Osbourne, they don't tip in the present day England. I think we should adopt that policy. I also like the fact that they tip per person in the South. Sounds a lot more reasonable to me. Just because your meal costs more doesn't mean the service was worth more.

I'm sorry your generous tips are not appreciated.

Yes, I feel the same about Christmas gratuities too.