Friday, July 8, 2011

VTGaming Now Known as Reign, "Break a Leg"

This is IS IS a Rant!!!!!!

I'm ranting here, because Avilo (dumbass that he can be) "forbade" me from posting what I had to say on TeamLiquid, and seeing as that's HIS playground, I respected his wishes. However, an Italian in rage cannot be stopped altogether SHE WILL HAVE HER SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I first heard that VTGaming recruited all new players for their Reign team and was in the process of forming a pro house, I told Avilo to start looking for a new team. I wonder now if it was loyalty or effing naivety on his part to think that he wasn't going to get "screwed" royally by VTGaming.

They announced today on TeamLiquid that VT had disbanded. Now mind you, what was left of the VTGaming team (the smart ones got out fast) weren't told this in a meeting. Rather they, like all of the SC community, heard about it for the first time in a TL thread. (Except, and I'm guessing, for Future and Perfect, who probably knew because it was also announced that they would be joining Reign). How low can you get?

When Avilo was first approached by Frank to join VTGaming, I had bad feelings about it and told Avilo to think carefully before making his decision. He knew I wasn't pleased that he accepted the offer, but it's his life and I supported his decision. (There were other ways to get even with him. *evil grin)

When he first told me about the "better" team, I suggested he start looking for a new team. He insisted that management assured the remaining team members, Avilo, Mr. Bitter, GiX, Whiplash, Azz (and Future and Perfect, who were still with VT at the time) that VTGaming was going nowhere. It would be like Reign's sister team, and yes, hotel would be paid for at Anaheim. Avilo even said, VTGaming is going to have a competition and whoever wins will get paid transportation to Anaheim.

When other teams, after hearing Reign's announcement, contacted Avilo with proposals, I suggested he take them up on their offer. But he "Trusted" what VT management told him and when I laughed out loud, he basically told me he knew better. HA! I hate saying "I told you so" so I won't. But I've been around a little longer than Avilo and I know when folks are stringing you along, until they've made final decisions. Unfortunately, we live in a dog eat dog world and everyone is out for themselves.

At least he made a mature post on TeamLiquid regarding the matter. This was my post that he disallowed:

Frankly, anyone with an ounce of sense knew that the VT team was finished. If VT management had had any respect for the VT team they would have told them that from the onset.

After the announcement about Reign, A couple teams approached Avilo, and despite the fact that I told him to grab the opportunity and leave VT whilst he had a chance, (Actually, I was against him joining VT from the start) he trusted that VTGaming was being honest about keeping the old team intact. Now should we call that loyalty or naivety?

Obviously, you want the “best of the best” in a team. Hope Reign is everything everyone thinks it will be.
(If it's not, Reign management probably has another team in the works)

Best of luck to the VT team members that were screwed over. (Notice I did not wish REIGN the best of luck.) *gets out my witches manual and mixes up a brew.

Pretty nice, no? I mean I hardly showed my Italian rage at all.

Does anyone else think this was underhanded and a shit way to deal with the situation, or is it just me? Do you think Avilo will ever listen to me, and trust my gut instincts, or will he continue to disregard the wisdom of the woman in his life, who is ALWAYS right? (okay, not always - only 99.9% of the time)


mikeylikesit said...

Did you mean "break a leg" theatrically speaking, or for real?

Let me guess...LOL

Anonymous said...

lulz when I didn't see you post in the TL thread, I knew you had to post somewhere your thoughts.

To the other commenter, I'm sure she meant it literally.

Hart said...

You're quite right ANON..."break a leg" which means good luck in the theater doesn't mean gl here. :D

Anyone, who would do what they did to their formers gamers don't deserve gl in my mind. And I'm not being mean, but "what goes around comes around." It's kind of already happening in the NASL.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. That sucks!

Anonymous said...

Agreed it was underhanded, but don't agree that you're ALWAYS right, b/c no1 is ALWAYS right. Bet you were just kidding.

So what's Avilo going to do now? I mean for a team, not for listening to your wisdom. lol